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MU Warwick To9ether


MU Warwick To9ether is a new kind of ‘branch’ to reach out across the churches of Warwick. In normal times, we meet on 9th of each month in a variety of places and at different times of day, depending on day/season/availability.  When 9th falls on a weekend, we aim to plan a family-oriented gathering, and on weekdays we try to be as inclusive as possible, in order to raise awareness of what Mothers’ Union is doing and in which we can be involved in the 21st century.


Three of us are collaborating in this venture: Denise Godfrey who lives in Warwick, worships at Northgate Methodist, and leads at Barford branch (; Lorraine Jaeger, MU Parenting Facilitator (07974 592263), and Val Brant ( who both worship at St Michael’s Budbrooke.


NEWS February 2022


Warwick To9ether has been truly on the back burner throughout the pandemic, although I have linked up with the ex-Barford DMs with whom it has been possible to meet as we’re small enough in number. In January we enjoyed two of the ‘Thinking outside the box” exercises, after which interest was expressed in ‘doing something to help’ such as providing tea & cake. I plan to invite them to host a ‘tea-party’ on Wednesday 23rd March for our Make Lunch mums, who will be able to take away their usual Foodbank supplies and some Mothering Sunday craft for their children.

Val Brant


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