Nuneaton Deanery
Nuneaton Deanery includes the branches of:
Attleborough, Holy Trinity Church (19 members)
Exhall, St. Giles' Church (24 members)
Hartshill, Holy Trinity Church (8 members)
Mancetter, St. Peter's Church (10 members)
In addition to the 4 branches, we are pleased to include Diocesan members who live in the Deanery.
The Deanery Chair is Sue Foster, the Secretary is Wendy O'brien and the Treasurer is Heather Greaves.
Proposed Deanery Events for 2023 are:
Saturday 4th February, Candlemass Service at St. Peter’s church Mancetter at 11.30am.
There will be a 'bring your own lunch' after the service with a raffle and a small charge for tea, coffee and biscuits.
Monday13th February Deanery Meeting at Hartshill 9.45 for 10.00 start
Monday 27th March 11.30am Lady Day Service at Mancetter
Wednesday19th April 2pm Deanery Prayers at Hartshill
Thursday 18th May 7pm Deanery Service at Attleborough
Thursday 10th August 7pm Mary Sumner Day fish and chip supper at Attleborough
Wed Sept 13th 2pm Deanery Prayers at Attleborough.
Monday 2nd October Deanery Meeting at Exhall 9.45 for 10.00 start
Thursday 19th October 2pm Deanery Service at Exhall
October Deanery Service
It was a lovely Nuneaton Deanery service at St Mary’s, Atherstone in October. Thank you to Diocesan President Karen for an inspiring talk and to Rosemary and Russett for creating this beautiful service.
Mary Sumner Day
Well done to Attleborough Mothers' Union for providing a delicious fish supper, followed by a quiz and service to celebrate Mary Sumner Day in August. All of Nuneaton Deanery MU were invited and it was lovely to see so many old friends.
May Deanery Service
Thank you to Mancetter Branch for hosting a lovely Deanery Service on 16th May.
Karen welcomed Olwyn from Mancetter branch as a member and presented long service awards to Cynthia and Yvonne from Exhall branch.